Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chapter 8-11

Today I read chapter 8 to 11, I feel like each chapter into the book, the more interesting it gets.

In chapter 8: Eragon thought of a name to give to his dragon, and he was lasting all of the male name for a dragon, not knowing that his dragon is a female, and when he noticed that his dragon is a female he switches to the list of female names, and finally he named her Saphira. Which I think that it is a really nice name too.

From chapter 9 till 11:
Roran got a job to be a miller to make money, because he wanted to get married. So he have to leave the family. On the night that Roran have to leave, Eragon went with him when they reach there Eragon stayed a little bit then one old man said to Eragon that there is a stranger coming to the town trying to find the egg. The stranger dresses all black and a hood cover the head, everyone could be able to sense bad things when they saw the stranger. So Eragon hurried home, when he haven't reach home yet Saphira quickly took him and flew him into the mountain, and Saphira was frighten. She won't bring Eragon back to the farm to warn his uncle. Soon they have a rest in the mountain and it is getting dark. So Saphira made a tent for Eragon by using her wing to cover him, and Eragon could laid on her warm body.

That's what I read so far today. I really feel that it is getting really interesting right now.

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