Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 1-7

I have been reading 7 chapters into the book, and I really liked the book very much. Not just that it is very interesting, and once I read it, it is very hard to put down. Just keep wanting to know what will happen next.

In chapter 1-7 the story begin: In a small town, and that small town there was a boy name Eragon. He went hunting in the spine (the forbidden forest). He couldn't be able to hunt any animal to bring home. Then suddenly he found a blue shiny rock on the ground, and when he knock on it, it made a reall weired noise, and the rock is so smooth, smoother than the other rock, so he thought that he could take this rock and trade for the meat in the town.

When he went back to the town and went into the butcher shop. He was trying to trade the stone with the bucher and when the butcher knew that the rock was from the spine, he rejected it right away. Then one man came in and said that he would be willing the trade the rock with Eragon. So the man brought the meat for Eragon, and decided to return the rock back and told Eragon that Eragon could come and help him to pay back for the meat.

When Eragon reach home, his uncle were very upset about the meat that Eragon got, but soon finally accept the meat.

Then Eragon and his uncle went to the market to ask the seller if he would be able to sell it to him. But he still got rejected. So they came home and put the rock some where safe. Not so long after that Eragon realize that the rock that he got from the spine is not a rock, but an egg, a dragon egg. When he touch the baby drgon his hand burned and the scar on his hand appeared. So now Eragon have to hide the dragon, so he found a place to put the dragon, and build a nest for the dragon to stay in. The dragon grew and grew. In one week the dragon was as high as Eragon's knee. So one day Eragon went to the wise man in the own to ask him about the dragon. Eragon got so many answers from the wise man and soon decided to leave and went to make sure that the dragon is safe.

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