Friday, March 28, 2008

Characterize Eragon

All throughout the book I always think that he is like in the age about 17-18, but he is only 15, and I think that he is only 15 and can do so much stuff, and when I was still 15, I can't really do so much and never been away from my family. He is very brave, loving, caring, faithful, strong, intelligent, quick learner. I was surprise because he is very young and be able to face so many problems in his life and he have no parent to take care of him, he is all on his own, but manage to survive and be a hero. I think that he follow nearly all of the hero quest pattern. Except one thing is that he didn't get to return home yet. But he have no one to go already because his parent are gone. His uncle were killed, and his cousin is married to a girl that he love and make a family.

Chapter 47-61

Oh my goodness, I finally finish the book. All I can say about these chapters is that, I have a hard time stop reading because everything is happening and everything is exciting. My favorite would be when Eragon fought with the King. I was so scared that he would get hurt, but he was fine. It ended in a nice happy ending, (well kind of^^")

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapter 44-46

I'm nearly at the end of the book. But I didn't reach the climax yet. In this three chapters Eragon and Murtagh went thought the desert. (I always got mixed up if desert is spelled with one S or two S, but I try to remember that a dry desert has one S). I feel that I am having a harder time understand the book in full detail like before. But I still think that I can understand it.
One thing that I learned about dragons in this book is that dragons like to be in a warm place, it gives them more excitement. Today I don’t know what’s wrong with myself, I haven’t finish the book yet and I ordered the next version of the book already, and when I compare the size of the book. The next book has 100 more pages. It seems huge for me, but I think that I will survive if I am reading it for fun.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chapter 39-43

Well, I read another 5 chapters today. This week I tried to read as much as I can.
In this 5 chapters it is very exciting. Eragon was caught and got drugged, so he couldn't help himself for that day, but when he woke up he felt better and he did not eat any food or drink any water at all, so he felt better because the drug were in the food and water. When he be able to remember the magic spell, he unlock the jail cell and his new friend that he made in the journey Murtagh came to help him escape. Not just that they escape without getting hurt a lot, they brought an elf with them. When they got out of the town, Eragon quickly trying to heal the elf. He healed her until morning came and because he was so tired. I fall a sleep on the horse and Murtagh just take care of the journey.

I think that the way that I tell you, didn't sound as interesting as the book.
About 200 pages more ^^". It sound a lot but I think that I will be able to finish reading it.

Chapter 38

This is such a sad chapter. Brom died, then something came into my mind. I suddenly remembered what I had learn in class today. Which is that the helper can't help anymore and the the main character have to survive on his own. If I am the main character in the book, I would be shock also because he is the one that taught everything. The magic, the defense. Without him, Eragon will not get to learn new magic anymore. It was sad, I don't really like sad chapters in the book. :'(

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chapter 34-37

Well, I didn't read a lot today only 4 chapter. 3 chapters lesser than yesterday.

In these 3 chapters it is quite scary in some part and some of the paragraph I was confuse and it was hard for me to understand it. But in these 4 chapters they went into a very big dirty town. They stayed in a very dirty motel to have a rest. Eragon is so scared that there are bugs on the bed, so he decided to sleep on the floor. The next morning when Eragon woke up Brom was already gone, but Brom leave a note for him on the wall. So Eragon went out to see the city. He saw an auction for the slave. When I was reading this part. I think to myself that. I can't believe that they are people too and they sell them in auction like an animal, and I can't believe that this event happened in the history.

But lets continue the story. Eragon couldn't be able to handle seeing people got treated that way, so he went into the cathedral, and when he look back he was the Urgals was standing there looking at him. So he run and run and run as fast as he could and got back to the motel and gather all of his stuff and when Brom come they quickly left the town.

That night, this chapter is the scariest so far. When the sunset, and everything was dark and suddenly Eragon heard a movement and went to see and then suddenly he was knock and fainted, and the Urgals drugged him. Making him can’t be able to remember the magic spell. So he can’t help himself, and the Urgals was thinking of killing Brom and he stabbed him with a knife and someone came to help them just in time. When I read the line that Brom got stab it is really scary, and the way that the Urgals speak is very scary too, like their accept have too much s, v, c, sound. Making them like a snake talking. But I am glad that someone came to help them just in time. Eragon also try to use a spell to heal Brom and it did work. I was happy about that. These 4 chapters are full of excitement. Maybe after I finish this book, I would be very likely to read the book of the next version.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 27-33

Wow I read 7 chapters today, but I should be reading at least 9 chapters, but I don't think that I would be able to read it any more for today. In these chapters it was ok, not so much exciting things happened. But I did not get bored reading it. In these chapters, Eragon left Teirm and went into another town. While they were traveling, so many things happened. Eragon fought with 12 Urgals by himself, and because he used such a strong spell that he feel a little for 2 days. Then I think to myself that it would be awful sleeping for two days. I feel like sleeping 9 hours a day is a lot already. I always want to be awake and do things all the time. In this book there are so many names for the people and animals, and cities. I was surprised that such a person would be able to express his imagination so powerful, so detailed.