Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapter 44-46

I'm nearly at the end of the book. But I didn't reach the climax yet. In this three chapters Eragon and Murtagh went thought the desert. (I always got mixed up if desert is spelled with one S or two S, but I try to remember that a dry desert has one S). I feel that I am having a harder time understand the book in full detail like before. But I still think that I can understand it.
One thing that I learned about dragons in this book is that dragons like to be in a warm place, it gives them more excitement. Today I don’t know what’s wrong with myself, I haven’t finish the book yet and I ordered the next version of the book already, and when I compare the size of the book. The next book has 100 more pages. It seems huge for me, but I think that I will survive if I am reading it for fun.

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