Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 27-33

Wow I read 7 chapters today, but I should be reading at least 9 chapters, but I don't think that I would be able to read it any more for today. In these chapters it was ok, not so much exciting things happened. But I did not get bored reading it. In these chapters, Eragon left Teirm and went into another town. While they were traveling, so many things happened. Eragon fought with 12 Urgals by himself, and because he used such a strong spell that he feel a little for 2 days. Then I think to myself that it would be awful sleeping for two days. I feel like sleeping 9 hours a day is a lot already. I always want to be awake and do things all the time. In this book there are so many names for the people and animals, and cities. I was surprised that such a person would be able to express his imagination so powerful, so detailed.

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