Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chapter 39-43

Well, I read another 5 chapters today. This week I tried to read as much as I can.
In this 5 chapters it is very exciting. Eragon was caught and got drugged, so he couldn't help himself for that day, but when he woke up he felt better and he did not eat any food or drink any water at all, so he felt better because the drug were in the food and water. When he be able to remember the magic spell, he unlock the jail cell and his new friend that he made in the journey Murtagh came to help him escape. Not just that they escape without getting hurt a lot, they brought an elf with them. When they got out of the town, Eragon quickly trying to heal the elf. He healed her until morning came and because he was so tired. I fall a sleep on the horse and Murtagh just take care of the journey.

I think that the way that I tell you, didn't sound as interesting as the book.
About 200 pages more ^^". It sound a lot but I think that I will be able to finish reading it.

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