Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapter 15-17

I can't believe myself that I read so slow.

In this 3 chapters Eragon have to leave the town because the villagers started to feel that something unusual is happening and they feel that Eragon have something to do with it. So Eragon quickly pack up and Brom come with him too. First they stayed for a night in the tree near his farm, and the next morning Eragon and Brom started walking and Saphira was flying above them. Now they are traveling very slow and it took many days to reach another town. When they reach another town. Brom brought Eragon and himself a horse to ride on so they could catch up with the Ra'zac(a not human creature that have no magic power but can jump so high and have so much strength). When it is time to leave the town Brom told Eragon that the villager in this village saw the Ra'zac passing this way too. Days passed and they reached the dessert.

This chapter is quite a long chapter but it doesn't have so much going on, so I can't be able to describe it into a long paragraph. But each step into the book gets more intense.

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